Board of Directors

Board of Directors 
Board members of the Rabbit Run Homeowners Association volunteer their time in service to their neighborhood.  
Scott Grospitch President (859) 806-2640
Linda Bunting Vice President (859) 224-3738
Matthew Noble Secretary (859) 224-1305
Richard Hake Treasurer (859) 229-9831
Stephen Chesnut Member At Large (606) 309-4882
Kent McClanahan Member At Large (859) 287-9071
Austin Messner Member At Large (859) 608-5980
Composition of Board 
The Rabbit Run Board of Directors consists of a minimum of five and maximum of nine elected Rabbit Run homeowners who serve staggered terms. The board is elected at the association’s annual meeting each September. The new board then elects officers for the coming year: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
If you are interested in becoming a board member, contact any current board member, attend a board meeting or submit a message through the Contact Us page on the website to obtain additional information about this important voluntary service.
Board Meeting Schedule
The board meets monthly on the fourth Monday at 6:30 p.m. For more information about meetings please submit your message through the Contact Us feature on the website. 
Board of Directors’ Responsibilities
The board’s responsibilities include:
  • preparation and adoption of annual budgets and collection of dues to defray the common expense
  • establishing means of collection of members’ dues
  • providing for the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of the recreation center and pool, and all common areas
  • making and amending rules and regulations
  • contracting for repairs, improvements or additions
  • enforcing by legal means the provisions of the Declaration, the By-Laws, deed restrictions, rules and regulations
  • obtaining/carrying insurance against casualties and liabilities
  • keeping financial record of receipts and expenditures
  • imposing reasonable fines against members who do not pay their dues, which may be a lien against the member’s property and which may be collected in any legal manner
  • seek self-help remedies, such as towing of vehicles in violation, mowing grass that is abandoned, and thereafter seeking collection of expenses for same via imposition of a lien against the property and appropriate legal collection proceedings.
Board of Directors' Mission and Objectives
The mission and objectives of the Rabbit Run Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors are to:
  • conduct the board’s business and the discharge of its responsibilities in accordance with the homeowner’s association by-laws
  • preserve the character and integrity of the Rabbit Run community by enforcing the responsibilities contained in the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions
  • exercise prudent fiscal management while maintaining the proper level of community services and preserving the assets of the association
  • enforce by prescribed legal means the collection of delinquent association dues
  • foster community involvement through sanctioned events, clubs and projects
  • respect issues raised by homeowners and give those issues a fair hearing
  • promote greater attendance at board meetings and involvement in the board
  • strive for additional reductions in annual dues while maintaining financial fiduciary responsibilities.